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I am Charle Punt, a South African living as an Expat since 2004.  Firstly, in the Middle East and now in Germany for our New Adventure.  


I am a Wife & Mother of 3 Children, who fully understand the challenges it holds nutritionally and physically when your hands are full with daily family expectations.  Yes, we all do at times neglect ourselves and focus on the needs of those around us.  However, what I re-learnt this past 2 years is that we need to invest in ourselves in-order to give our best to our families. 


I am a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP).  

My Keen Interests are in Gut Health and Blood Glucose Regulation, however that is not all I will support you in.  If you are in your mid-life I can help you take the crisis out of it!  Together We'll Control the Weight Gain, Hot Flashes, Brain Fog, Breast Pain, Reflux, Migraines, Hair-Fall, Sugar Cravings etc. I had first hand experience with these and used food to relieve the symptoms.  


I also have a keen interest in supporting you heal your body naturally through food, supplementation & lifestyle from any diagnosis you may have received which originated from imbalances in nutrition or damages done through the lack of nutrition. 


I am here to help guide you through your journey. 


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My Story

My Journey in nutrition started in 2012 when I was invited to a "Green Smoothie Workshop", I didn't want to go because it grossed me out!  I was a self professed Sugarholic!  And to my huge surprise, I actually enjoyed the flavors.  That's when I became more interested in this "new craze" of healthy living.  

To say the least it was a turning point in my life for the better! 


As I started reading up about nutrition and how it influence us, I realized that my youngest had severe signs of gut related issues, and I made it my life's mission to help her.  A diet and lifestyle change was the best decision I ever made!  Her changes was a huge testimony to me of the power that food holds!

Food Definitely is Medicine!  


For multiple years I worked hard focusing on nutrition and preparing all meals and snacks at home, it was a great experience, until we took our youngest to be tested for celiac disease, we decided that everyone had to go for the test, because if she came back positive, it meant there could possibly be someone else in the family who would also be positive, so we decided to all go together.  The downside of this was, what I worked for over years, were broken down in 6-8 weeks!  The reintroduction of gluten and dairy was like a ton of bricks on my system, the inflammation took over and I didn't have the strength nor energy to restart with all the food preparations.  I was stuck in this terrible cycle for 3.5yrs until my own health started shouting out for help! I picked up 33kgs in 3yrs, & I was at my heaviest weight ever.   (You can view my Instagram for the transformation).


When I finally decided to go see a Gynecologist for all the issues I developed over the 3yrs, she almost died when I said I picked up 33kgs in 3yrs! I'll never forget her expression, she exclaimed "that is the problem, you must lose weight" obviously that wasn't the only problem, but it was a big contributor to my specific symptoms.  I promised her I will lose weight, saying "I know how to do that" - I don't think she believed me, she seemed skeptical at my response, so I ventured out to prove I do know how, and I stuck to my promise and lost at least 28kgs in 1yr.  With in 2 months I was 10kgs down, by 6 mnts I was 23.5kgs down, and one year later I am 28kgs down; I am also symptom FREE! All thanks to the Healing Power of Food!  The surprising thing which scrambled minds where that I ate a whole lot more during weight loss than while I picked up weight!  All Calories are NOT equal! Calories in vs Calories out doesn't work as effective as focusing on the right nutrients to supply your body with health and vitality! 


As for exercise, I only did walking, and after a couple of months added little bit of combined jogging and walking, and the days which I had more energy I added some short distance sprints, I never pushed myself to exhaustion nor overworked myself because that is not the way weight loss works, we need to slowly increase exercise to avoid injuries and the counter effect of what we are trying to achieve. 


Because I personally experienced the healing power of food, I wanted to share the knowledge and strategies with others who are also going through their own struggles.  There is Hope, Using Food As Medicine is a Powerful Tool for Healing.  This is why I decided to become a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, allow me to help guide you through your journey. 


I studied through the NTA and qualified as a NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) and currently studying at BNI which looks at bio-individual nutrition and therapeutic diets to support complex cases. 




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Know Your Power & Invest In Yourself!


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